Result of a study are drawings, situation, section, scenes. After approving the 2D, we will create a 3D visualization for you. In case of minor changes, adjustment is possible in a maximum of three rounds. Each additional change is charged 70€.
Price: 12 – 15 €/m2
Delivery time: 3 weeks
Output: 2 copies
Result is an accompanying report, summary technical report, architectural and construction part, static assessment, sanitary engineering, heating, electrical installation, gas installation, fire safety solution, calculation of energy efficiency of the building. The price does not include solutions for cooling, recuperation, heat pump, pool technology, photovoltaic panels, solar heating and other above-standard solutions. These solutions are charged an individual surcharge.
Price: 20 – 40 €/m2
Delivery time: 4 – 8 weeks
Output: 6 copies
The output of this part is the elaboration of project documentation verified by the building authority. It also includes statements of windows, doors, statements of plumbing and carpentry elements, a statement of acreage, materials, including budgets and individual professions.
Price: 20 – 40 €/m2
Delivery time: 6 – 8 weeks
Output: 6 copies
Layout design in two or three variants, views, sectional views and design of furnishing items.
Price: 6 – 8 €/m2
Delivery time: 2 weeks
Output: 2 copies
After approving the 2D layout solution, we will create a 3D visualization for you. In case of minor changes – shade of walls, floors – it is possible to adjust in a maximum of three rounds. Each additional change is charged 50€. The result is a basis for the company, with the use of real furnishing items and materials with the indication of the possibility of purchase, budget processing, custom furniture drawings and a list of elements.
Price: 20 €/m2
Delivery time: 3 – 5 weeks
Output: 2 copies
Price: 35 – 45 €/h.
Price: 35 – 75 €/h. + 0,5 €/km of travel
The listed prices are indicative. The client is entitled within the
ordered project to consultations in the range of 5 hours free of charge.
Each additional consultation is charged 35 €/hour. We will be happy to
prepare a specific price offer for you on the basis of the submitted
documents and the complexity of the project.
© 2022 Všetky práva vyhradené. Stránku vytvoril | Administrácia
© 2022 Všetky práva vyhradené. Stránku vytvoril | Administrácia